Free online course

Blogging for Beginners

Learn Step-by-Step on How To Build A Successful Blog in 2022

When you enroll you'll receive one topic (text/video) per day for the next 14 days.

Here is what you'll learn:

#1: Introduction to Blogging

#2: Selecting A Niche For Your Blog

#3: How to Make Money Online From Your Blog

#4: Blogging Platforms & The Essentials

#5: Let's Start Building Our Platform

#6: How To Create A Blog Post

#7: Create A Landing Page & A Lead Magnet

#8: Email Marketing

#9: SEO Basics & Content Writing

#10: Content Writing

#11: How To Start Generating Traffic For Your Blog

#12: Tips to Help You Run a Successful Blog

#13: Mistakes to Avoid When Blogging

#14: The Most Popular Tools & Resources for Bloggers

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